Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons

The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Minnesota

Origin of Our Grand Chapter

       A Convention for the purpose of forming a Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, for the State of Minnesota, was held at Masonic Hall, in the City of St. Paul, on Saturday, the 17th day of December, A. D. 1859, A.·.L.·. 5859, A.·.I.·.2389, at 3 o’clock P.M.  
                 The convention was called to order by Companion A.T.C. Pierson, M.·.E.·.H.·.P.·. of  Minnesota R.·.A.·.C.·., No. 1, located in St Paul. Attending were the High Priest, Kings and Scribes or their proxies from Minnesota Chapter No.1, Vermillion Chapter No. 2 of Hastings, and St. Anthony Falls Chapter No. 3 of St. Anthony. Four visiting companions were also present.
                 M.·.E.·. Pierson presented the following communication from  the M.·.E.·. A.G. Mackey, G.·.G.·.H.·.P.·. of the U. S. of A.:
             A committee of three was appointed and upon presentation of drafted Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of Order, the documents were unanimously adopted. An election of officers was held and the convention then closed and Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Minnesota duly opened, with M.·.E.·. R. S. Alden as G.·.H.·.P.·.  

He installed M.·.E.·. A.T.C. Pierson, Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Minnesota. 
Companion Pierson in turn installed the following:                                                   
                         R.·.E.·. R. S. Alden as D.·.G.·.H.·.P.·.                                                  
                         R.·.E.·. O. T. Hayes as G.·.K.·.                                                               
                         R.·.E.·. A. E. Ames as G.·.S.·.                                                                
                         R.·.E.·. George W. Prescott as G.·.Sec.
             Thus, was the formation of our Grand Chapter in 1859.  Now in our 149th year we look forward to continuing our work.

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